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May 16-18,2025.png


"... widely considered the flagship of the D.C. area youth orchestra programs."

- The Washington Post

Recognized as one of the leading orchestral training programs in the nation, AYPO provides competitive world-class training and performance opportunities for musicians. With a nationally recognized artistic staff, a dedicated professional staff, and a host of volunteers, AYPO annually selects and trains more than 500 of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area’s most talented young musicians. AYPO is proud to have been named One of the Best Nonprofits by Catalog for Philanthropy and seen countless of our alumni go on to professional placements in musical performance and education worlds around the globe. 

AYPO is grateful to our generous supporters.


America’s Charities |  AT&T Employee Giving Campaign  | Bender Foundation, Inc. | Clark Foundation | Community Foundation of Northern Virginia/Ross-Roberts Fund for the Arts | Corina Higginson Trust |  Dallas Morse Coors Foundation | Exxon Mobil  I  The Dimick Foundation | Philip L. Graham Fund  |  Sotheby’s International Realty Foundation | Spangler Foundation | Verizon Foundation