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Laura Kaufman Mowry


Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry
Director, Flute Ensemble

Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry is a soloist, orchestral, and chamber musician who has been hailed by the Washington Post for “absolutely gorgeous flute-playing.”     

Laura was appointed Principal Flute of the Maryland Symphony Orchestra in 2023.  In addition, she has performed with a variety of renowned ensembles, including the National Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Smithsonian Chamber Players, Annapolis Symphony, Fairfax Symphony, Alexandria Symphony, DC Public Opera, Buffalo Philharmonic, and New World Symphony as a guest musician. Laura performs in District5, a DC-based wind quintet dedicated to innovative ways of presenting classical music. 

Laura is dedicated to fostering the talents of young musicians. She maintains a private flute studio and has coached wind players at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, American Youth Philharmonic,  and the University of Maryland High School Academy.  She is also the Director of the American Youth Philharmonic Flute Ensemble.

Laura has received national recognition from prize-winning performances at the National Flute Association’s Young Artist Competition, National Society of Arts and Letters Wind Competition, New York Flute Club Competition, Flute Society of Washington Young Artist Competition, Pasadena Showcase Instrumental Competition, among others. Her experiences have inspired her to assist other musicians with competition preparation and overcoming performance anxiety.

Laura holds degrees in Flute Performance from Eastman School of Music, The Colburn School, and the University of Maryland. More info at