Senior Chamber Ensemble Public Masterclass
Senior Chamber Ensemble Public Masterclass
Ms. Tsuna Sakamoto, Senior Chamber Ensemble Director
Admission is free and open to the public.
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Senior Chamber Ensemble Public Masterclass
Ms. Tsuna Sakamoto, Senior Chamber Ensemble Director
Admission is free and open to the public.
Flute, Harp, & Clarinet Ensembles & American Youth Philharmonic in Concert
Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry, Flute Ensemble Director
Melissa Dvorak, Harp Ensemble Director
Dr. Dawn Marie Hamilton, Clarinet Ensemble Director
Dr. Tim Dixon, AYP Conductor
Chamber Ensembles in Concert
Tsuna Sakamoto, Senior & Junior Chamber Ensemble Director
American Youth Prelude Strings, American Youth Debut Orchestra, and Harp Ensemble in Concert
Kristin Gomez, AYPS Conductor
Laura Wallace, AYDO Conductor
Melissa Dvorak, Harp Ensemble Director
American Youth String Ensemble, American Youth Concert Orchestra, & Clarinet Ensemble in Concert
Laura Wallace, AYSE Conductor
Doug Martin, AYCO Conductor
Dr. Dawn Marie Hamilton, Clarinet Ensemble Director
AYS, AYSO, & Flute Ensemble in Concert
Adrienne Caravan, AYS Conductor
Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor
Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry, Flute Ensemble Director
AYPO Percussion Ensemble
Doug Wallace, Director
American Youth Debut Orchestra and American Youth String Ensemble in Concert
Laura Wallace, AYDO & AYSE Conductor
American Youth Sinfonietta and American Youth Symphonic Orchestra in Concert
Adrienne Caravan, AYS Conductor
Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor
Demande et Reponse by Samuel Cooleridge-Taylor
String Symphony No. 2 in D Major, MWV N 2 by Felix Mendelssohn
I. Allegro
Only Light by Aaron Perrine
Fiesta Jubiloso by Joseph Compello
~ Intermission ~
Symphonic Orchestra
Masquerade Suite by Aram Khachaturian
I. Waltz
II. Nocturne
III. Mazurka
IV. Romance
V. Galop
España by Emmanuel Chabrier
American Youth Prelude Strings and American Youth Concert Orchestra in Concert
Kristin Gomez, AYPS Conductor
Doug Martin, AYCO Conductor
American Youth Philharmonic in Concert
Dr. Timothy Dixon, AYP Conductor
Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky, arr. Ravel
Introduction. Promenade
I. Gnomus (The Gnome)
II. Il Vecchio (The Old Castle)
III. Tulleries
IV. Bydlo
V. Ballet of Little Chicks in their Shells
VI. Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuÿle
VII. Limoges
VIII. Catacombae (Catacombs) - Cum mortius in lingua mortua (With the dead in a dead language)
IX. Baba Yaga - The Hut on hen’s Legs
X. The Great Gate of Kiev
Three Black Kings by Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington
III. Martin Luther King
Come Sunday by Omar Thomas, orch. Urie (Regional Premiere!)
Clarinet, Flute, & Harp Ensembles in Concert
Dr. Dawn Marie Hamilton, Clarinet Ensemble Director
Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry, Flute Ensemble Director
Melissa Dvorak, Harp Ensemble Director
Senior Chamber Ensemble Public Masterclass
Ms. Tsuna Sakamoto, Senior Chamber Ensemble Director
Admission is free and open to the public.
American Youth Debut Orchestra and American Youth String Ensemble in Concert
Laura Wallace, AYDO & AYSE Conductor
The Debut Orchestra kick off their own start to the 60th season with pieces featuring a fun fall theme! Debut Orchestra will perform a Halloween-inspired Monster Mambo and finish off their concert with a rendition of Let It Snow! To follow, the String Ensemble will perform magical-themed works featuring an arrangement of Mozart's Overture to The Magic Flute.
The following receive complimentary tickets at AYPO events:
Those aged 21 and under
Private and School Music Teachers
Active Duty Military and Veterans (with military ID)
AYPO Alumni
Please check-in with a ticket scanner on concert day to receive your free ticket!
American Youth Sinfonietta and American Youth Symphonic Orchestra in Concert
Adrienne Caravan, AYS Conductor
Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor
For their first concert of the 60th Anniversary season, the Sinfonietta will take you on a journey from Ireland to Panama, featuring works by Handel, Shostakovich, Foote, and Still. The Symphonic Orchestra will perform selections from the classic Holst suite, The Planets. In addition they will present a hint of the holidays with Delius' Sleigh Ride.
The following receive complimentary tickets at AYPO events:
Those aged 21 and under
Private and School Music Teachers
Active Duty Military and Veterans (with military ID)
AYPO Alumni
Please check-in with a ticket scanner on concert day to receive your free ticket!
American Youth Concert Orchestra & American Youth Philharmonic
Doug Martin, AYCO Conductor
Dr. Tim Dixon, AYP Conductor
Join us for the first concert of our 60th Anniversary season featuring a sampling of works from classic composers including Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian, and Sibelius. Additionally, the American Youth Philharmonic will perform Festivities by modern composer, Peter Boyer. It is sure to be an exciting Sunday afternoon!
The following receive complimentary tickets at AYPO events:
Those aged 21 and under
Private and School Music Teachers
Active Duty Military and Veterans (with military ID)
AYPO Alumni
Please check-in with a ticket scanner on concert day to receive your free ticket!